Theatre Café & Bookshop
improvisational & interactive theater
someMimics friends & players
Acting Studio / Bookshop / Café
A. Acting Studio
Acting Studio events will be the focus of ZanniTAVANI Theatre Café & Bookshop.
§ PLAYING AREA: There will be 3 playing areas:
1. Place enough for staging Theatre in Community
- auditorium seating 250 people;
- stage area capable of being utilized as classroom backstage.
2. Black Box studio
- seating capacity of 100.
3. Movement studio
- mirrored walls and dance floor.
§ PLAYERS: Resident troupe of someMimics friends & players
Ø 6-9 actors, male and female.
Ø All actors accomplished in improvisational, interactive, and physical theatre skills.
Ø Theatre events will focus on themes that support building up community.
Ø Resident actors facilitate workshops and participate in Symmimetic Symposiums.
Ø Interns try their skills in Café functions and events.
§ PLAN: Proposed curriculum for each playing area to be developed.
- Theatre in Community
on stage (player)
back stage (persona)
off stage (person)
home (privacy)
head (secrecy)
heart (spirituality)
me / not-me / not-not-me
I am / we are
him, her / it
same / different
effect of affect
conscious / subconscious / unconscious
- Black Box
q Arranging space in which relationships are put in context of place
q Presentation of self / Representation of another
q Face-to-face confrontation
(persuasion, exhortation, admonition)
q Solo / Ensemble
q Maskwork
q Acting exercises (improv/physical)
q Clowning
q Concepts:
ignorant / indifferent
silence / listen / speak
Stillness / action
Will / Won’t, Do / Don’t
Feel / Think / Choose / Act
Friend / Lover
Stranger / Acquaintance / Friend / Lover / Enemy
Sensual / Mental / Emotional / Spiritual
Have / Want / Need / Receive / Give
- Movement
(air [still] / wind [moving])
Body awareness
(intention / space / time / place / position / direction)
Making music
(silence / Sound / Noise / Music)
spontaneity / discipline freedom / bondage
copy (typos) / imitate (mimesis) / create (poesis)
B. Bookshop
Bookshop sells books/items relating to Symposiums in Café or activities in Acting Studio.
§ Inventory reflects the interests of ZanniTAVANI and/or someMimics.
§ Computerized inventory to be managed to have minimal back-room stock!
§ Seating in comfortable couches/chairs to be available for browsing.
§ Books may be taken to Café.
C. Café
Café will serve simple beverage/food menu for Symmimetic Symposiums and other activities.
§ Capacity will be 250.
§ Seating includes movable hexagonal tables and folding chairs.
§ There will be a stage area for readings, live music (acoustic guitars, piano, jazz ensemble), and improv.
§ Patrons will be welcome to participate in occasional interactive theater events.
ZanniTAVANI is affiliated with Tavani Consultants in Human Services.