Monday, July 25, 2011


1Co 13:12; 2Co 3; Ex 34:29-35; Nu 12:8

Living life is an irresolvable enigma without the love of God in Christ;
it is like trying to solve the riddle of what one may look like while finding only a poor reflection seen hazily through a darkened mirror. Consider the people of Israel, who feared to come near or gaze at Moses when he came down from the mountain to present to them the Word written by God on tablets of stone. Moses was not, at first, aware that his face radiated God’s glory whenever he entered the presence of the LORD and spoke with him face to face. For the sake of the people, Moses put a veil over his face until he went back into the Lord’s presence. Then, as fear dulled their faith, their hearts and minds became veiled as well. Likewise do people without the Spirit see God’s world dully and hear God’s word read with veiled hearts.

In life, without the Spirit, we can only look enigmatically through a mirror, as though faced with a riddle; however, the good news is that by the Spirit we can live life able to see clearly and be seen face to face. Only in Christ is the riddle resolved and the veil taken away; whenever we turn to the Lord we are unveiled so that our faces all reflect the Lord’s glory.

Thus is the ministry of the Spirit full of glory. Filled with the Spirit of Christ, we become living letters, clearly known and read by everybody, written with the Spirit of the living God, not with ink; written not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. God has made us competent in Christ as ministers of a new covenant – not of the letter but of the Spirit: for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. With ever-increasing glory we are being transformed into his likeness. The glory that shines through us comes from the Lord, who is Spirit.

As in water face answers to face,
so the heart of man to man.
Pr 27:19

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