Saturday, July 5, 2008

JESHUA jogulatore

presented spoudogeloically*

I am the way.
this life is full of folly,
I am wise to it.
Come and eat,
come, drink.
Hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Bless you!
Breathe from your belly;
feel the Spirit
spring up from within you.
*from Greek spoudogeloisos ("serious-smiling"):
serio-comical genre of ancient theatre.
The serio-comical posseses the unique and transforming vitality
of laughter that can unify culture because it is accessible to everyone.
Serios-comico theatre undermines
the serious, unmediated discourse of power & authority
in humorous, ironic, and satiric accents
through the voices of rogues, clowns, or fools.
Such marginal characters
decenter the ideological world of other characters.

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