Monday, June 30, 2008

Biographical sketch for Craig Tavani, a.k.a. ZanniTAVANI

Theatre and theology underscore Craig’s daily life.

Since childhood, theatre has always been a passion for Craig, who first appeared in plays put on by his church. He discovered, through studying the Scriptures, that Christians are called to “become imitators of God” by following the example set by the life and death of the Lord Jesus Christ (see Ephesians 5:1).

As ZanniTAVANI, Craig relishes his role as a “fool for Christ,” putting on a red nose to find ways of appearing ridiculous while improvisationally engaging others in enjoyable interaction.

Through building community and helping others in developing right relationships, Craig applies the dynamics of theatre to everyday life. He works in a variety of ways to help others cope with all sorts of life issues, such as relocation, education, aging, and personal relationships. Beginning in September 2008, Craig will be teaching at Facetime Performing Arts Studio (for further information, see Craig also teaches as an adjunct instructor at various institutions, including Immaculata University. This is in addition to teaching theatre arts to homeschoolers.

Craig’s favorite role is being a husband and father. Since 2003 he has directed the fall plays at the Phoenixville Area High School where his children, who attend there, participate in Theatre Guild activities.

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